Aeroplane Yoga!


For all you struggling Spring Breakers!

Home Yoga Practice

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Flying is taxing on the whole being. Between jet lag, bad airplane food, getting your immune system assaulted by travelers from all over the world who are sick, and bad posture from narrow airplane seats, you run many risks of getting ill.

During a weekend trip to San Francisco, I had my wife take a few pictures of me doing some asanas that are possible on a long plane ride. These postures combat some of the ills of sitting for five hours.

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This is Gulphasana (a variation of Uttanasana where you put your hands around your Gulpha, or the Marma point around your ankles). I like this variation because it gives the spine more traction and the ankles give you leverage to pull against. If you are stiffer, you can simply hold the elbows in Uttanasana. You can do this pose by in the area for the loo queue.

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Recognitions on your spiritual journey


2pigs From Wikipedia Commons.
By Titanium22

I got sober from drugs and alcohol in 2000. In the process of recovering I realized that from then on spirituality was going to be an important focus of my life—that it had to be, since the connection to a Higher Power was necessary to keep me sober and alive.

I didn’t realize that recovery would connect me to myself as well, to what was really inside me.

During the early part of my recovery I realized that spirituality could be an open field to play on. I grew up around Catholicism and I didn’t feel like it was that way at all when I was young. I realized that my Higher Power could be one of my own understanding—that I had a lot of room to explore.

So I started exploring. One day I was reading a passage written by a Buddhist monk…

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To be Love


Valentine’s Day is a Holiday which celebrates relationships in your life, selects those who have your heart and appreciates the ones you love. The day is filled with romance and gifts with a significant other(s).

What is it to Love? What does it take to Love or be in Love? Why is every heartache, melody, happiness, mystery or madness stem from Love? Why are we in such a search and struggle to find Love? 

To Love someone is to love yourself, To Love a trait in another is to love the traits you have within, To Love in full and so purely, we love ourselves and others… flaws and all. 

When we are born, we are born from the act of love. We are welcomed with eager eyes and warm hearts waiting to shower us in Love. Family members show love by protecting, nurturing, caring and providing for this new life. We are taught love from our surroundings, sharing, touching, communicating and contributing. How we love and how give love is grasped at a young age. We spend our whole lives circulating around the idea of Love, figuring it out and inquiring varied types. 

Love is rooted from inner peace, inner joy and inner satisfaction. 

Why not give back to the person you have to live with everyday, required to spend time with, the one who moves and motivates you…. YOURSELF. 

Loving one self is to appreciate, listen and provide for the mind, body and spirit. Taking time to nourish the body with vitamins, moisture, water and essentials to feel replenished. Taking time to engage the mind, with yoga, meditation or a book to restore oneself. Taking time to surrender the spirit with a walk, bath, nap or detox to refresh your energy. 

This past week for me has been so hectic, I haven’t found enough time for myself or taken time to relax. I have been in constant movement, preparing for Spring break and the future. I lost track of the time I was in, not realizing who I was living for or who I was accomplishing these tasks for. I was pilling events in the free space of my day to make up for lost time. Going to more yoga classes, tanning back to back, eating a lot for missed meals and staying up later to catch up. Every experience was accompanying my obligations and misplaced moments. 

My body caught up to me and responded by being burnt on the outside and drained on the inside. I took the first part of the week to take a bath, hydrate my body and calm my mind.  I downloaded a meditation music app and actually took a peaceful nap. Meditation and Yoga became more sacred and serene.I channeled in on my center and focused on my body messages. I put my phone away, turned on some music and became wholesome again. Melodies flowed through me, choruses whispered through my ears and slowly fulfilled my inner silence. 


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Our time lessens when we in a rush to the future, our quality weakens to the detachment of the current moment. What is it to live for yourself and give back to yourself? 

I learned a beautiful lesson this week of, learning to love and appreciate yourself. I listened to my body when It told me to slow down and rest. I gave back to this amazing mold by taking care of myself, calmed my machine by resting and revisiting silence.  I re-energized my mind, body and spirit by participating in the present and savoring the time with myself. 


Today’s Valentines blog is dedicated to the Love within yourself and relationship you hold with your mind, body and spirit. 



An invitation to breathe deeper


Be still.

little sacred space

Apparently Huffington Post has dubbed 2014 the “year of mindful living,” and TIME magazine alleges there’s a “mindful revolution” in the wings.**

There’s been all sorts of talk about the value of the creative pause, the importance of sacred space (I swear I’ve linked to this article before, but it’s still great), and the benefits of meditation.  

And, predictably, especially given the title of this blog and its content, I couldn’t agree more! 

But I have to admit that I don’t always practice what I preach.  

While I’ve been wildly productive when it comes to the dissertation and ticking things off the baby-prep list, I’ve been flittering away downtime with a host of media distractions.

This isn’t the end of the world, of course.  Social media can be wonderfully connective, and much-needed breaks from the rigor of our working lives with tv, youtube, etc. are understandable…

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What is it to feel alive? To have such a rush of endorphins to your body or mind that leaves you invigorated? Such an experience which leaves you speechless,  where you can only close your eyes to relive it as your face lights up to the feeling.

Is it the risk of jumping out of a plane and embracing the high fall with the body freedom, Is it the tingles you get from affection of an admired one, is it the passion you put into an interest which rewards you or is it the fear of almost reaching the bright light?

How do we get our highs, inspirations or enlightenments? What makes your sensations? What does it take for you to channel in on your true happiness or drive?

Why are we only challenged for the better when we come across a traumatic event or wrong doing? What actions must we face to redirect our ways on the path of internal and external bliss?

What is it about an outside perspective that sets us straight? What causes us to wake up, shake ourself from our old ways and reshape our vision? The awakening of the mind, body and spirit which evokes us to desire a greater life or self.

I’ve had a lot of instances in my life which reorients me, causes me to step back and analyze not only the situation but my journey. Images and messages of my guardian angel, loss of consciousness led seizure, focuses from the Lord and my out of body experience.  Most people think of these experiences as taboo or unrealistic; I can ensure you they are all REAL and my truth. I brushed off these parts of my life, I was so shocked and knew no one would understand. These experiences are significant not only in the physical sense but emotionally and spiritually.


guard′ian an′gel n. 1. an angel believed to protect a particular person, as from danger or error. 2. a person who looks after or is concerned with the welfare of another.

guard′ian an′gel
1. an angel believed to protect a particular person, as from danger or error.
2. a person who looks after or is concerned with the welfare of another.

 My eighth grade year there were a ton of scares of kidnapping, I would lay awake in my room at night so afraid of being taken and killed. For a while it was the only thing I would think about, the intense fear of being stolen from my life and torturted to my death. One night it got to me so bad that I locked my bedroom door and hid from the world. Normally when I lock my door my parents are able to unlock it from the outside and are able to reach me. I was finally able to fall asleep, I was so tired from my restless mind that I had a deep sleep that night. I remember dreaming and this female centered in my mind and dream, I couldn’t make out her face, it was only her and a beam of bright light. She kept telling me “Kelby wake up”…..”Kelby you need to wake up.” I thought this was so odd, she was so calm and repatitive with her request of me waking up. I eventually gave in and woke to the sheer scream of my mother trying to reach me and  unlock my door. My mother was screaming “KELBY YOU NEED TO GET OUT THERE’S A FIRE!!!” “KELBY UNLOCK YOUR DOOR…KELBY!”

I instantly shot up, shivers and confusion ran through my body. I’m normally not a deep sleeper and have never had a dream like that before. What if I didn’t dream of this, What if I didn’t lock my door, would I have the same dream? Who was this lady? How did she know how to reach me or Why did she reach me? I was silent for the next couple of days thinking of my dream, the accident of the fire and how lucky we were to be safe.

 A year later in the winter time, my mother was driving my two younger siblings and I to school. The roads were a little slick and the snow had built up over the past couple of weeks. We were getting ready to pass the church before the set of lights when another van pulls out infront of us, one of the snow banks had limited her sight so she proceeded the four lane traffic. I remember reaching my hands out and screaming “MOM!” Next thing I know, I’m looking over a crowd of people looking into my passenger window and windshield. One of my sisters friend was starring at me like I was dead, looking at me with tears in his and so concerned.  Who were these people crowding our van? My next image I saw was the same angel, she was infront of the smoke and bright light, once again telling me to wake up. I slowly opened my lids to sight of pole we crashed into, the white smoke filling the van and the relieved crowd. I was so blank, I knew of nothing from when I screamed “MOM” until the moment I woke. I instantly blacked out, during the first T-Bone hit, the spin from the impact, the second T-Bone hit and then the crash into the pole. My mother was trying to talk to me through her cries, she was happy to see me awake but kept apologizing for the crash. I couldn’t talk to her, I was speechless, I had no idea what to think of the current moment. I was drained from the cries, the scared looks and the commotion of the car wreck. I thought nothing of my day, I had no emotion or focus.

The next six months included my mother in the hospital, family and church members in and out of the house, people asking me questions and crying to me. I hated it, I hated the attention, I hated the sadness of the crash and the empahsis of my living through the crash. I reached such a dark stage of resentment, I refused to talk to anyone about my feelings on the accidents and I ignored my mother. Everytime we spoke she would sob to me about how sorry she was, how happy she was I was alive and safe. I hated seeing her like that, I dont deserve that praise, attention or emotions. Why was I so numb after being so alive? Why did I resent everyone who was by my side or who was celebrating me being alive? Why did i block out those who cared and the crash in general? Why was I able to see the crowd from a birds eye view before waking up into my body? Why was I contacted and saved again?


God does speak. One way to live in His presence is to acquire the habit of recognizing His voice when He speaks. If we do not know that God wishes to communicate with us, or the ways He has chosen, then our passage through life will be devoid of the most perfect of guides.

God does speak. One way to live in His presence is to acquire the habit of recognizing His voice when He speaks. If we do not know that God wishes to communicate with us, or the ways He has chosen, then our passage through life will be devoid of the most perfect of guides.

It was the Spring after the crash, I was in my final stage of confirmation course. My group and I had to voyage to a church retreat. I remember sitting cross legged talking about who were are, what we want to do or who we want to be. I couldnt even think of an answer, I just knew I wanted to make a difference and be remembered. I made it my goal after that meeting to be nice to everyone, to smile, to share my embrace and postive mood. I was a lot lighter on my feet, the sun shined brighter, time flew by and I no longer thought of the Saturday as a waste but as an opportunity. At the closing mass, I sat in the middle of the crowd, for some reason I thought the priest was making more eye contact with me. I felt this beam of yellow light touch my shoulders and reach the top of the church, while he was talking about priest hood, those who qualify and are chosen. I thought to myself am I being chosen? Why am I even thinking he’s targeting me? Why do I feel like I only see him and no one else? Why am I so focused, when my peers are distracted or not paying attention. Why do I feel obligated to test it our or lean down a similar path? I felt as if God saw my significance and curious mind. To this day I remember most of my day, which is odd because I cant recall a lot of memories from my traumatic year after the crash.
The other time I felt such an inspiration from mass service was this past November when my family and I went to Notre Dame for a couple games. We were sitting at the game and the Irish tradition is to catch mass after the game, it was a trend to attend the campuses beautiful basilica.  Before the game we visited the church and checked it out. For some reason I was very excited to attend mass, I was constantly watching the clock and thinking of the right time to leave the game. I was very headstrong on making it to mass on time, I insisted on leaving extra early from the game so we can get a good spot. We were one first there and as planned got a very nice spot in the front. Mass started, I kept an eager and straight structure the whole time. The priest started to speak on his volunteer work in foreign countries and how some little girl touched his heart. The scene around him started to blur, I focused in on only him and the surrounding candles. The light around him got brighter and I starred intently at him. I felt as if It was only him and I in the church. Every word registered, every situation was related and recovered as a responsibility.  His passage was of a story of him doing volunteer work with children in another country, how all of these children struggle but still have dreams and faith. No matter the circumstance they still have aspirations, despite the reality. He was determined his place was to help others and inspire. How important it is to help those in need, show them the light and importance of their existence. To give others faith, to share dreams, have dreams and be apart of another’s dream.  His message was implanted in my membrane, the candles warmed up brain to my destiny. 




“Out of body experiences can also be triggered under clinical conditions where brain function is compromised – such as stroke, epilepsy, head trauma and drug abuse. When this happens it is more often reported as a Near Death Experience (NDE).”

Last year my mental and physical health were not as a stable as I would have liked them to be. I wasn’t myself after some down falls and broken relationships. I lost my motivated as well as drive in most aspects of my life. I was back home for Spring Break, my friends and I decided to go to a party together. I decided to be the designated driver, I smoked prior to the arrival of the party. It was nice to be the responsible one, relax with some old friends and enjoy being sober at a party. I was catching up with some friends and this rush of uneasy took control. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, my body grew weak and light. My vision started blurring, lights brightened and sounds increased in volume. I found myself trapped, wanting to escape not only the party but myself. I distanced myself and started making my way to the back room to regroup and get some clarity. My legs gave out, I had no control as well as full feeling in my body anymore My legs tingled as i fell over on my way down the hallway. My arms couldnt hold up my body and my vision varied in and out. I out ready to sit down and blacked out. A heavy weight on my head took over, I woke up unaware of what had happend and why. I couldnt get myself up, I didnt know how to scream for help. I felt hopeless, trying to talk myself in a simple task of pushing myself back up.
After a couple failed errors of standing with continuing black outs, I made my way to the party. I caught a glimpse of my friends brother, he saw my struggle with standing and strength. He was sure I was the drunkest one at the party, my eyes rolled back once more as i fell down the frame of the door. He ran to my rescue and proceeded to assist me down the hall. Once I reached my friends, I kept saying that we needed to go, I didn’t feel comfortable or safe. I couldnt get much out until I gave them an uneasy look, became pale and blacked out once more. My body collapsed, my head bounced until the momentum slowed. My eyes rolled to the back on my head and I started to seizure in front of my intoxicated friends. I remember getting hovering glimpse of the crowd surronding me before I woke up, I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
There I was again, seeing myself before I woke up. I slowly came back into my body and opened my eyes. Everyone was a blur, I saw their mouths moving but everything was mute. Once I regained sound, I was confused with what they were saying. I could only look, sounds and actions didn’t register just yet. I felt like a new born, fresh to the world and unaware of my surroundings and senses. My friends almost thought they witnessed my death in their very own kitchen. I was disconnected from my life after the seizure, I was unable to concentrate in class, hold a conversation or be present physically and mentally when encountering others. I felt blank, drained and lifeless, I became very quiet and timid to my internal and external life



“The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the consciousness’ or soul’s journey or “ascent” is described in such terms as “an… out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘higher’ realms.”It is therefore associated with near death experiences and is also frequently reported as spontaneously experienced in association with sleep and dreams, illness, surgical operations, drug experiences, sleep paralysis and forms of meditation.”

After a mediation, my friend and I went back to my place to hang out and finish the night with some Resortative yoga. The Resortative practice, is a sequence of still poses focused on breathing, relaxing the mind and completing the body with wholeness.

I was laying there, body chilling and feeling cold sensations and almost numbing embrace over the top layer of my body. Bursts of a vibrating coldness migrated and filled spaces of my outer skin. I saw my self sitting inside an emerald grey cave, filling with the splashing of water falls, spilling with pain. Feeling a shower of spraying tranquility. My hour glass sat crossed leg. Visioning my self through the falling streams. I balance my self among the ripples, getting a sense of the space. The serenity of sprinkled drops to my face, sends the roaming sensations back to my knees and back of my calves. I feel the strong grip of my lower back to the earth. My curvature in my back side streams through. Sparking to the top of my mouth, only feeling the outline of my slowly moving mouth. The sensation glides to my eyes, creating a Tiffany blue sparks to fill the dark vision scene filling my screen of my eyes. The sensation flows to my neck, tickling my spine. Circulating my blood flow, invigorating my veins. The sensations spurts down my spine, I feel the strengths of the spine to the floor, I feel the support of my arched back. My feet light not the floor, still and holding balance. I saw myself as an outline or a frame embracing the stillness of the therapeutic sounds. Floating with my  body’s breath, waves of breath swimming through my body creating a melody of eased movements. My frame fills with the brights of the sky, whites of the fluffed yet fuzzy clouds.  Soft blues fill the gaps from the clouds, white neons shine in as a breath calms the rays my way. My body pure and light. My spirit floated above, feeling full as a hug. Aware of my surroundings and presence. I take in my breath and let the gush glide down my lungs.

I embrace the air on my skin, feeling peaceful, an image of a vacationed beach lay. I see the waves accompany the currents of my breathing. I imagine a shadowing palm tree, shading my presence, allowing gleams of light to warm my portrait. The smooth sound of waves desperately crashing on shore… I feel full of baby blue hushes, breezes sooth through gushes. My center active and alive. I feel fluid and free, smile from ease, wholesome from clarity. A cleansed citrus view, beams of happiness so true. A clarified renew. I gently open my eyes, I didn’t know if this was a high or a quick fall into a dive. Appreciative of the scene filled disguise. A new way to look at mediation and flow of life.

*This passage was written on my cell phone after the event, with my eyes close. I can only describe or re-live the experience with my eyes shut! Crazy huh?*

I have never experienced such a whirlwind of emotions, visions or sensations in my life. These experiences are so extraordinary because they aren’t really talked about or dealt with. When something so out of the normal happens, we either shrug it off or are in such shock from it. Every person, place, memory, heartache, love or experience is significant in your journey. Everything you see, process, dream or deal with develops you as a person.

I have experienced God’s presence and meaning in a time of question. I have reached death a couple times, been guided back to life from my guardian angel. Lost control of my body in a negative and positive, making me feel more alive. These events lead me to question my role and significance on this Earth. Such lost control of your body and consciousness has you question not only yourself, but your importance, role and intentions for this time and place.

Who am I because of these significant events?
What do these mean and teach me?
When will the next experience happen?
Where will these events lead me in the path of Enlightenment
Why have all have these things happened?
How will I learn and shape myself due to the phenomenas?

Being present with your presence


What are the aspects that fill your day?
What needs to be accomplished to fulfill your day?

When are the moments for yourself? When are you the happiest?

Where do you put forth all your energy? Where do you bestow your efforts?

Most of our day we feel obligated to attend places which needs our labor to function. We make it a routine to plan our day with events that tend to others. Everyday we wake up with intentions to contribute to society and the cycle of the world.

The rush of the work or school day drains us, leaving us unmotivated for the next task. We get so complacent in our set schedule that we just get by. The time we do have free, we spend multitasking or rushing to the next activity. We appear groggy in our movements and inconvenienced by our time fillers.

We see events or people as a time to past by rather than a moment to live by.

When do we wake up our presence in the present moment?





I recently started a 20/30 Yoga challenge. A dedication to take time for myself, re-energize the body, rejuvenate the soul and relax the mind. A time where I re-focus on the present roles of not only the flow of yoga but in my life. You channel in on where your body is, your mind centering on the current stance and where you’re comfortable yet able.

You set a goal at the beginning of your practice, you wander on how you will achieve this goal and how to incorporate it in your every move.
Our yogi communicated how important it is to be fluid in the present moment, giving your full energy in that set time and place. Whether it would be a job, a friend, a class, position or stillness… You are always attentive and showing the receiver your full attention. You no longer worry the stressors of the next minute, hour, day etc, every task simply flows you to where you’re destined to be. You approach every second of awareness the same, collective and creative. Nothing is an obstacle, but an opportunity of your journey.

My love for yoga increases day by day. My mind, body and soul are not only strengthened but stimulated. Everyday is another day for personal growth. Everyday is a learning privilege for not only for myself but the outside world. We are constantly evolving, how you construct and captivate your day shapes you.

I will use my knowledge and experience from this challenge and classes to inspire others and to be inspired by myself. To give my present presence a chance of bettering myself and becoming wholistic.

I will share my inspirations and my serenities in my journey. I will provide my stories on overcoming obstacles and input on blessing encounters.



I think it’s important to take time in your day to meditate and exercise the mind and body, appreciate yourself and life’s gifts or observe nature and your environment. Setting aside time in your day to calm your mind and free yourself of the commotion of everyday life.





20140205-010100.jpgI read Dalai Lamas daily advice and 7 steps to Spiritual Wellness to guide me and further my concentration. I use an App on my phone which constantly updates me with meditative quotes to ease me through the flow of my day. I think it’s important to surround yourself with reminders of enlightening and relieving wisdom.





I always set a time in my day to free my tensions and stresses through yoga. I take time to surrender to the moment and the moments that make me. Whether in the morning to re-awaken, during the day to re-energize by or at night to readjust…I come to mindset to recenter myself for my energy given in a day. I light candles and incense, dim the lights, put on relaxing music or a video that moves me. I close my eyes to allow myself limitless expression from within.




The results are always the same… Invigorating and clearing. I become present in what fills and fulfills my presence. I become connected to my inner and outer being. I become aware to my everyday intentions and attentions. I’m a happier person, more outgoing to my approaches and bubbly to my interactions. Nothing can break my ease or positive energy. I see every situation as a lesson, an outcome of either strength or growth. You create your own journey, day, energy, attitude and aurora. Become the best for present time and self presence.
Namaste ✌️