She acts like Summer & Walks Like Rain


The most beautiful things in life are those we do not expect or label. The simplistic moments which we breathe in with ease and exhale with awareness. Memories where you lose track of time, surroundings, stereotypes and your ego.


I have a secret love for Summer’s Rain. There’s something so serene about two weather conditions collaborating. The sprinkling of cold drops against your skin calms you as the warmth embraces your goose bumps. You feel a balance and stillness in the moment of forgotten worries. Becoming one with nature, feeling untouchable to conditions and absorbent to your desires.

With the blissful rain falls comes the wild winds and tornado whirls. I was trying to unwind to the rain after a long day, begin some writing then finish with some yoga. The storm took over my zen, lights begin to flicker and thunder shook the house.  I started to fear my outside world, I wanted to badly to feel safe and protected.

My significant other was feeling uneasy about the storm as well, we decided to stay up in the night and fight our frights. My handsome man came in soaking wet from enduring the storm on the walk over. I was so grateful he was willing to take on the tornado winds and fight through the piercing down fall.

We lit candles across the room, we put our phones down and lost ourselves in the moment.  I loved that we had no concept of time. We focused on each other closely as we blocked out the outside noises. All we had was each other and that was the most beautiful gift of all. No distractions, no flashing lights, no notifications, no media and no worries.

I grew frustrated when the storm started, I grew annoyed that none of my technology would be working or charging and I took electricity for granted. We started to sweat without the A.C. and grew a little irritated so we opened the windows to the warm rain… As soon as I smelled the rush of the rain, I forgot about sweating and accepted the release of perspiration. The smell of rain is absolutely breath-taking, it puts me at ease and is so refreshing. Another thing I took for granted, the relaxing aftermath of a storm.


I learned so much that night, I was so grateful for being alive, for my house being a protectant, for simple moments, for being fully present without technology and for my man being my balance. We laid together tranquil, being satisfied with flusters and escaping our egos to be at peace with the storm. It felt meditative, focusing on our breath, listening to rain’s fall, smelling natures aroma, releasing our moisture and glowing in candle’s light together.

I would do that night over and over again, If I had the chance. To not focus on the things that contribute to your comfortable state but to create your own calm through the storm. We became detached from outside life and only concentrated on what we could do in the current moment.

When you are without power, do you feel powerless? We are so reliant on electricity for our life, we almost let it control our day and moods. I would like to travel or spend time without it and see how my life or memories change.


I encourage everyone to have a blissful detachment, to find their ease in the excitement of electricity and to feel wholesome with internal life.

Thank you for taking time to read my post! Hope you were inspired or enlightened.


Universal Appreciation.



With the warm temperatures embracing our skin and the sun kissing our faces, I find it necessary to take time out of my busy schedule and absorb the energy of the Summer. I love warm weather, I love the smiling personalities in the neighborhood, I love the active creatures outside, I love the freckled filled faces and I love the enjoyment of being outside in nature with the ones you love.

IMG_1021I have reactivated my inner child and found so much happiness in the outdoors. I have recently bought a hoola hoop, wind chimes, Ficus plant, seeds, outdoor lights and sun screen to take my adventures to the next level.

There’s something so sensual about drinking your first cup of coffee on the deck and not thinking anything of your time or day. Closing your eyes to breathe in the trees, feeling the breeze in the silence and relaxing to comforting aromas in your cup. My week and mornings have drastically transformed by taking time out of my day to simply partake or relax in the scene of nature.

I’ve been discovering new trees, flowers, plants or escapes on an outdoor journey. I find nature so beautiful and breath-taking, how something so simplistic yet complex surrounds us in every aspect of life. An organism thriving on outside existence and care to grow to a magnificent being. Nature doesn’t run on time, money, pressures or limits, and they flourish on their own measures.

Nature is so beneficial to our inner and outer world, trees providing our oxygen, plants providing nourishment, flowers providing flavor or flare, so many aspects I take for granted that provide our daily essentials.

I want to be; taking natural supplements, making healthy-natural food, sticking to healthy products with Nature’s elements, devoting time to appreciate and nurture Nature and continuing to grow and replenish Earth’s Nature.


 I believe we are here to protect, provide and produce for Mother Earth.

I believe it is programmed in the females to feed, nourish and love all of Earth’s children and plants.

I believe we poses all our powers and strength to keep us alive.

I believe Earth possesses all of the natural cures and surviving minerals to cure all.

I believe “Dis-Ease” is created emotionally, mentally, internally and then physically.

I believe everything surrounding you; items, places, nature, weather,  people, signs, superstitions, conversations, actions, dreams and impulses are shaping our fate and directing us to the next journey.


I believe we can cure ourselves and save ourselves from sickness and sadness.

I believe in natural roles of Earth; leader, teacher, healer, entertainer, protector and farmer.

I believe we are here to support, build and strengthen our neighbors, family, friends, lovers and enemies.

I believe our destiny is written within, around and outside our mind, body and soul.

I believe who we are is vibrating from us, we carry and construct our own universe.

I believe we see with our soul, the soul being the delicate design in your eye, our beautiful circled planets.


Morass of Fear


Seasonal change

Source of Inspiration


Am I doomed
to walk forever
in the morass of
imagined horrors?

Yet, I sense a change
is coming. I feel it
in the wind, in my
heart which is beginning
to crack, to open ever so
slightly, letting light
spill out to illuminate
the dark of my illusions.

Come sweet prince, kiss me
awake, never again to repeat
lives of despair. Free is
my soul, washed in the
light of love,
of all possibilities,
forever free!

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Peace through broken pieces


“On the way to get away from where you are, you can run so fast that you miss the blessings along the way. By the time you realize that you have missed them, a major portion of your life has taken place without you.”-Iyanla Vanzant


I have recently been struggling with inner issues dealing with past faults and pain. It’s a burden that overwhelms your spirit when it comes across love and happiness. Being broken is almost a liberating feeling, you have no place to go but up. You are in no rush to get the cracks filled, you let life fill them for you. With being broken comes the past paranoia which brought the hurt, when you come to similar issues, you cant help but convince yourself that the circumstances will be the same.

I met two people when I was broken, both of which became my best friends. I knew there was something special about them and wanted to take more interest in them. We both instantly clicked, one became my female best friend and the other was a male I started to see.  They would give me their attention, share their life, enjoy time with me and were willing to show me how beautiful I was. I couldn’t bring myself to the realization that someone thought so highly of me, someone thought so highly of our relationship. They wanted to be apart of my everyday, my joy, my laughter and my time. I created scenarios in my mind to slowly push them out and to sink in my loneliness. I would rather be alone than risk the potential of becoming hurt and losing these people.

I had a connection to them, I could feel their pain, I could feel their happiness, I could feel their struggles, I could feel their heart and I could feel their soul. Something would come over me when we would engaged in a deep conversations. My spirit shifted to the top layer of my skin, and released my inner knowing and answers to their life. I learned so much about myself through them, I saw myself in them and we were weak and strong together. I couldn’t accept the fact that we were a reflection of one another, that they were just like me, broken, irritated and irrational. I wasn’t there yet to give them love or become the love they needed. I felt as if they were overwhelming me, suffocating me, I became numb and was no longer fully presence.

They were both a big role in my motivation to spiritual wellness and healing. My girl friend and I would go to meditations, practice restorative yoga, have spiritual talks, encouraging talks and would bring each other up. My boy friend would remind me how beautiful and amazing I was, encourage me to take care of my body, to be positive, to challenge my mind, body and soul and encouraged my fitness in yoga.  When complementary energy is taken from your soul, you feel hopeless and lose your sense of self. I am a firm believer in self-healing and discovery but I know it takes a community of soul mates to bring you up along the way.

” And it was during this time that spirit and I became all but strangers. On most days, I lost track of my spiritual practices and my faith. I prayed and I meditated, but I was no longer sure what I believed or how I felt about what I believed. The thing that saved me and my faith alive was when I sat to write, stood before an audience to speak, or coached another person, I could feel the living presence of Spirit in my being.” -Iyanla Vanzant

I tried to escape them, but I couldn’t. They were apart of my everyday life, apart of my outer happiness and internal healing. I grew very ill, uninvolved in outside life and wanted to be left alone. I wasn’t ready to open up to the monster I was, the pain i suffered to get to that point or the sickness in my heart. It was crowding my mind and I needed out. I needed to come clean of the past, come clean of who I was and come clean of the wounds.

I started to pray to God, ask for healing and forgiveness. I needed to make things right with them and find the sanity to set me free. I took some on Saturday to finish up an old book regarding healing. Quotes would jump out at me, phrases would bring shivers and I felt this weight release from me. I went inside to validate and reassure my healing. I did a yoga routine and slowly eased into savasana. I begin to meditate, I heard the answers, I felt the intentions for these two souls and I knew my purpose in my life. My eyes began to shed cold, comforting tears to signify the release of the past and sickness in my heart. I came back outside and wrote my girlfriend a heart-felt letter and reached out to her. It was a lot harder to open up and ask for forgiveness from her rather than my past boyfriend, I finally opened up to him on the monster I was and the monsters I endured. It brought us closer and connected us deeper.

There is a part of us in everyone, there is a sickness or strain in everyone’s heart, no one wants to be evil or without love. Everyone is broken, everyone endures different type of pain, it is up to us to help break past those walls and find their shinning soul. You grow as person when you help someone you love grow, you heal as a person when you are apart of someones healing. Never give up on someone who would never give up on you, it is so much easier to quit and run away. Struggles provide strength, tears shed us of the elements which hold us back and love will always set you free.